To bail or not to bail

To bail or not to bail
Tube+220lbs+15ft of air=big splash!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

confidence buster

Until recently I never realized the extent of mixed signals conveyed to all of us everyday. Today I found my next bit of enlightenment. Self confidence. All of us need it, Want it, must have it in our daily lives. And yet very few of us can actually show it. The reason dawned on my today at work while casually talking to my co-workers. If a person exudes confidence, others take it as arrogance. Be confident in who you are, but know that we will take is a being cocky, stuckup, and snobbish. WTF!!!!!! Showing off to make people like, respect, or fear you is childish at best. And yet we can't distinguish between someone boasting and that true person who is sincerely proud of who they are. And no, people who think they are perfect are not confident: they are blind to the real world. We need to realize and appreciate the greatness in others.
Adding to that is self confidence in dating. My favorite jumble of filth out today is "Know what you want, and go for it. Let nothing stand in your way!" My answer to that gem of wisdom is "Go Fuck Your Hat!" The driving factor in what we will do or say for a relationship isn't what we want, it's fear. Fear of being rejected, fear of losing, fear of failing in love. For those who know what they want, good for you. Don't be afraid to stand by your decision. Too often people know what they want, but refuse to share it all because they think, "maybe my standards are too high", "they are good, not great, but good enough" Understandably, some peoples expectations are a little high for the rest of the world. We need to choose the qualities that are most important to us and stand by them. When we find the love that matches those qualities, the rest will fall into place. And the important things that we need may not be Huge at all. One of mine is random pda. Nothing huge, but still important to me.
Self confidence can be the most important part of our happiness. You need to have it in order to start a successful relationship. Love who you are, believe in yourself, and remember that no matter what others think, being true to your own self means not settling for less than you deserve. Goodnight


  1. hey J. I have a couple of blogs fyi. The one you know about... the other is

    Just so ya know.

  2. Hey Jason! The language wasn't as bad as I expected.

    Have a good day and enjoy the snow!!
