To bail or not to bail

To bail or not to bail
Tube+220lbs+15ft of air=big splash!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Problem With Money

Money is the root of all evil, thanx to the greed of the masses. In good times and bad, money is a driving force of corruption in almost everyone's lives. The lifelong search for wealth oftentimes makes people forget what is truly important. Family, love, happiness. Now don't misunderstand me, wanting to be well off is not a bad thing at all. Being able to live comfortably and support yourself and family is admirable. Being able to retire earlier to enjoy life is not a bad trait. Wanting to make millions because you just don't want to work, or want others to respect what you've done is selfish. Did you make money to benifit your family? Are you willing to help those you love, or who are in need? If the answer is no, then you are no better then a common criminal. Money is a driving factor in our everyday lives. But it cannot be the end result. Amassing more wealth than you could possibly spend is foolhardy at best. Just so others can see you as successful? Wake up. Having goals, hopes, and dreams are great, but morals and values must be involved in all choices. Check out divorces. When a couple get divorced, money is very often used as a spear, to pierce the other person. "They hurt me emotionally, and don't care, so I will hurt them financially, because that is the only weapon I have." With all the amazing things the human race has accomplished, why can we not overcome this setback. My brother told me, "if money is the only thing left that is being fought over, why fight. It's only money." (I know, smart guy, eh?) Now, let's not forget that people are greedy, and may push too far. Don't get taken for everything, and put yourself into money troubles just to avoid fighting. But try and remember that you married this person, and at one point in time you loved them. That may have changed, but there must still be a mutual respect lingering in the wings. Be fair, after all, life is more than cash and possessions. I have an abundance of respect for the people I love in my life, whether they return it or not. The old saying goes: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." My phrase would be, "Do unto others what in your heart and mind you know to be right." Goodnight

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